(Drop Physical education from Schools.)
Memahami Cara penulisan esai IELTS Writing Task 2 bukan
hanya dalam format esai paragraph tapi juga bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan yang
tersedia pada topik lalu menjabarkan ide-ide pokok dengan pendukung kalimat
yang kohesi dan koheren. IELTS Preparation NETT English di Kampung Inggris Pare
mempunyai metode yang teruji dan terukur memaksimalkan waktu sesingkat mungkin
supaya peserta kelas persiapan IELTS akan sangat mudah mengerti cara penulisan
IELTS Writing Task 2 walaupun mereka belum pernah kursus IELTS.
Kemampuan menginterprasikan pertanyaan lalu cerdik
menemukan ide yang tepat, lalu dengan sentuhan kreatifitas kosa- kata dan tata
bahasa yang bervariasi, maka kamu akan mudah mendapatkan skor tinggi IELTS
Writing Test. Diperlukan persiapan yang lebih dengan banyak praktek berbagai
macam model topik dan pertanyaan IELTS Task 2.
Berikut ini ada contoh esai IELTS Writing Task 2
written by Tim Pengajar NETT Kampung Inggris Pare.
Because of the pressure of new subjects such as
business studies, many schools have dropped sport or physical education (PE)
from the curriculum. How important is sport of PE in a young person’s education.
Some schools have neglected physical education or
sports in their curriculum. If it has been excluded from school curriculum, I
would consider that this step is unwise because students could suffer unhealthy
lives even schools accommodate professional relevant subject such business
Physical education can be a beneficial activity
assisting students to develop a healthy body which is immune to many common
diseases. In term of child obesity, it is often related to lack of physical exercise
that cause many lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and blood pressure even if
children are still at early age, especially in western countries. The best
place where a young person is able to motivate and boost into sports is a
school. If sports curriculum is neglected from classroom, students will lead to
an unhealthy future generation.
Students can have great opportunities to improve their
sports man spirit, skills of socialization and spirit of competition when
sports curriculum is applied in schools. It is truly believed that children who
regularly participate in sports team have greater ability to handle stressful,
anxiety and tension-filled situations caused by spending long hours in class
activities. Moreover, if physical education is overlooked from school
curriculum, it would certainly receive a setback in spite of the concept of
developing the comprehensive personality students focusing academic subjects
only. It is because physical education is as important as academic studies.
In the final analysis, although it might often seem
that physical education is unnecessary in today’s education system due to the
importance given career oriented subjects, it will definitely hamper the
physical and emotional development of children.
266 Words
Kursus IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare | Nett English