Some children find learning history at school very
exciting, but many others think it is very boring. In what ways can history be
brought to life for all school children.
With the purpose to make a history subject being
interested in classroom, teachers should think a number of ways to delivery or
tranfer this knowledge for learners. Even if some students find it not very
interesting because they need to remember many dates and facts while studying
this lesson. However, it is crucial to learn about history as a significant
portion of the school curriculum.
Learning history will be exciting to student if
teachers take them out visiting historical sites and museums where student can
have a direct experience of the objects of history. For example, ancient
palaces and similar archaeologocal sites might be introduced for students in
the class and then teachers should bring their students to visit those
historical places. This act can motivate and increase the curiosity of learners
in history and make it attractive for them. Subsequently, students would be
interest in acquire such information.
It is important for students to conduct research in history
as another greater method to attract student’s attention in order to encourage
them to like history. Teachers should introduce historical movies and
documentaries to generate interest among students about history. If students
know many ways to know this subject, it will help to familiarise with events
and figures of yerteryears.
Project on specific areas of history by producing
posters and information booklets can assist students to interpret the events of
present using similar happening from history. Those activities would make them
understanding the relevance of history in their daily lives.
To put the conclusion, i believe that history will
never be a boring lesson for students if teachers take a special interest in
involving students in such activities.
277 Words.