Monday, November 27, 2017

W1 Line Graph | Museum's Visitors

The line graph compares the number of visitors on three different museums in London over following four months period. Generally, there was neither sharp decrease nor increase trend for all museums. However, British Museum had visited the most.

In June, the number of people who visited British Museum stood at 600 while both science and natural history followed behind. The next period was the peak of British in which it increased significantly by almost 150. On the other hand, science museum witnessed it lowest point with only 400 visitors.

Despite of the oscillation, ended up at around 600 in September shown that there was no big change in the figure of British Museum, the same occurred for other museums. From august to September, visitors’ number on science museum climbed slowly and leveled off at 450 just like natural history museum. The former and the latter witnessed no more than 100 points of change overtime. 

flip English | Kampung Inggris

W1 Pie Chart | US Expenditure

The pie charts compare a breakdown of Americans expenditure from 1966 to 1996. The overall progression shows that three item categories experienced an increase such as cars, restaurants and Computers over 3 decades. However, other figures show the reverse.  

It can be seen that people in America had a tendency to spend more money for buying a car, eating out at a restaurant and providing computer overtime. The highest percentage in 1996 was cars with 45% income spent at this though it was just 23% in the previous decade. Restaurants percentage rose from 7 to 14%, making it ranked second in 1996. Another significant inclining witnessed by computer’s spending was from a very little amount, 1%, to one tenth.

The figure for food, ranked first in 1966, plummeted by 30% during the next 30 years. The same trend was shown by others (petrol; furniture; books) aspects though the difference was not as dramatic as food. 

flip English | Kampung Inggris

Sunday, November 26, 2017

W1 | The Raiway Systems

The table gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

The detailed table compares the railways systems on its length and number of annual passengers in the three different continents in the world. The overall data reveals that the European railways are the oldest and the longest system among others. However, the one located in Tokyo has the most passengers every year.

It is noticeable that, Railways Underground in London and Paris city was started before 19th century and stand along 394 Km (London) and 199 Km (Paris). Paris gets the second highest passengers rate at 1191 in annual total while the number of London’s passengers shows 775 million. Interestingly, although Tokyo railway was opened in 1927 with only 156 Km standing as the third longest route, this figure had experienced the highest annual passengers at 1927 in total. Another railway system in Asia is Kyoto which is shorter than others and is the lowest one in the number of annual passengers at 45 million.

Washington DC’s railway located in USA was opened in 1976 and it has 126 kilometers routes with 144 recorded passengers whereas Los Angles as the latest station has witnessed the second shortest route with 50 million passengers annually.     

flip English | Kampung Inggris, Pare.